The Theologische Fakultät Paderborn is a small university in the midsize city of Paderborn in North-Rhine Westphalia. It offers the internationalley established degrees of Magister/Magistra Theologiae, doctorate and licentiate as well as the post-doctoral lecture certification (habilitation) in Catholic Theology. With 15 professorial chairs and an intensive guidance of its students, it provides an outstanding learning environment, particularly for foreign students. The Faculty is located in the historic centre of Paderborn, a city which lives in continuity with its Christian roots while at the same time being among the scientific and economic leaders of its region.
The study program Catholic Theology enables students to critically reflect on christian faith and its various forms by giving them a fundamental understanding of the history, central dogmas and practical questions of religion and christianity. In this way, students do not only learn how to communicate the contents of christian faith, but also how to justify it in terms of theology and philosophy.
The Theologische Fakultät Paderborn is a state-recognised university under the auspices of the Archiepiscopal See of Paderborn. It educates priests for the archdiocese of Paderborn as well as lay theologians. Currently, about thirty students are registered in the Magister program and 40 students in postgraduate studies.
The city of Paderborn
With a population of almost 150.000 inhabitants, Paderborn is a midsize city with good shopping opportunities and a variety of restaurants and bars that is still located close to nature. Not only the idyllic wellspring of the small river Pader (which gives the city its name) right in the city center offers a spot for relaxation and hangouts – around the city, you can find many spots for leisure acitivites, sports, hiking, sailing and much more. The city is strongly rooted in Christian faith and the cathedral in the city center is one of the most iconic buildings in Paderborn, but Islamic and Jewish communities are also thriving.